Thursday, April 24, 2008

Question of the Day....?

If you had to wear one of the following articles of clothing at all times, but couldn't wear both, which would you choose between a big flowing red cape, or a bright pink fanny pack?

I felt old today at work...already, it is ten in the morning, and I was made to feel like an old man. For some reason someone decided to bring a harem of high schoolers into work and show them how to make paper with glitter or something. I unexpectedly walked into the lab to grab a new pen out of the supply closet and was blindsided by this person I have never met asking me random questions, like, "when did you graduate from college and how long have you been working for KC..." When I casually answered, I'm an intern, and still in college, I've worked here for about two years...I got the answer only my hair line could cause, "WOW, you're still in college, I thought you looked like you had been here for at least five years" That would put me at 28 to 29 years old in this woman's mind...I like my thinning hair, and appreciate its simplicity, but I'm not 30, so bitch please, don't talk to me when I'm getting my pen, and go back to your high schoolers.

In other news, I saw a grounds crew worker (old, over-weight, dude, with a funny waddle) sitting in the grass throwing stones at the geese for at least twenty minutes. He was throwing left handed, although, from the looks of it, it would appear that he was raised in a non-baseball environment and is actually right handed, because these rocks landed no where near the geese.

I'm bored, so nothing new there.

Two big wins in a row for the Brewers. I just don't understand the reason so many people hate Ned Yost...he is a very good manager. Granted he makes some interesting decisions, but he always has sound logic behind it. For example, last night, we were up one and Stetter just pitched extremely well, and Yost definitely could have left Stetter in to pitch for the save, since the name of the game last night was save the bullpen, but instead Yost brought it Turnbow. I am a Turnbow fan, he is a stand up guy that has confidence issues, and who wouldn't have a low self confidence when Milwaukee fans treat him like absolute crap. Honestly, I was nervous when Turnbow came in, but I'm generally nervous whenever we have a lead at the end of the game. Despite everyone freaking out, Turnbow came in and pitched great, he struck out the first guy in 10 pitches. That is key with Turnbow, he needs the confidence and if he gets the first guy, it is all good. The second batter should have gone to a full count, even Itaguchi thought the fifth pitch was strike two, but for some reason, the ump was consistently inconsistent. Itaguchi stole second, and the ball got past Weeks, so he move to third with one out. This is where Turnbow shined...he struck out the third batter swinging at a cut fastball low in the zone...that was huge. Then Turnbow induced a ground out with the fourth batter, getting his first save in exactly a year, and he avoided facing Chase Utely.

There were too many coincidences last night compared to the same day a year ago to be ignored. April 23, 2007, the Brewers were playing the Cubs at Wrigley, they eventually won in the 12th inning 5 - 4 with Prince hitting 2 HR, with his second giving the Brewers the lead in the 12th. Then Turnbow came one and recorded the save. April 23, 2008, Brewers beat the Phillies 5-4, with Prince hitting 2 HR, with the second giving them the lead in the 8th, and Turnbow came on and recorded his first save since the previous year. Deja Vu all over again.

Daily LOL Cat:

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