Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Beef Noodle

So that was a little more 'noodle' than 'beef'...maybe it should have been called Noodle Beef. But wait...weren't you supposed to go to a company lunch for Lindsey this afternoon? Why yes, I was supposed to go get some delicious Chinese food. So Why did you have Noodle Beef soup for lunch then? Well, that is because I got ditched. Was it on purpose, maybe...all I know is that I showed up the atrium at 11:30 as I was supposed to, and no one showed up. I waited about five minutes because that is generally how late people usually are for stuff around here, but still no one showed up. So confused, I walked back to some people's desks that I knew were going and they were no where to be found. Quite lame. Maybe this is the beginning of a long series of events that make me realize that people actually despise me. I am surprisingly, well it would be to most of you, a very nice person around work. SO this new thing of "let's ditch the intern," is really fun. I'll do my best to turn it into a full fledge adult version of hide and seek.

This is probably the worst day of the year to be the least bit interested in news surrounding technology and video games. For some reason, technology journalists and companies take April Fool's Day to a whole new level by releasing the most ludicrous and sometimes, heart breaking, news. The problem is, that usually any news release today in the video game world is considered fake until proven real without any reasonable doubt, so when real news is released no one can tell if it is actually real. This also allows companies to release bad news today, and the after shock is minimized because most people just believe it is a joke. For example, the most amazing game Call of Duty 4 was scheduled to release a new set of four multi player maps on Thursday, but this morning news broke that it was being delayed again. The majority of the morning people all argued about whether or not this was true or a hoax, instead of talking about how this is the thousandth time that Infinity Ward has delayed this map pack. Ultimately, IW will get away with less of a out cry because the majority people will forget about how stupid this is by tomorrow. April Fool's Day also allows any person on a technology message board to be a moron all day, making the most ridiculous claims. Everyone knows that a true prankster pulls pranks 364 days a year, excluding April Fool's Day. April Fool's Day is stupid....although it has offered some classic moments to my life.

One AFD (april fools day, i'm sick of writing, although that will probably be the last time it is written...) my brother and I decided that we were going to do various of things to our parents. We did the classic pranks, like putting a rubberband around the trigger for the sprayer in the sink (the old school ones that weren't attached to the spout, they were their own thing), and putting saran wrap on the toilets. We probably did the best wrap job on our parents toilet, you couldn't see a thing, and we were very very proud of ourselves. Until the moment came where my dad went into their room to use the bathroom, and I got terrible pranksters guilt. Being like 10 or so, I was still a little bit innocent, I sprinted to stop my dad screaming not to use the bathroom because we had saran wrapped the toilet. My brother was super pissed, since he was not innocent anymore, and probably hadn't been since he was two or so. That same day we also decided to change the salt to sugar in the salt shaker. This was probably the lamest of all the pranks, since we completely forgot about it until Thanksgiving when my mom exclaimed something along the lines of, "Why do these carrots taste so sweet?" and then my brother and I remember that we had switched the salt to sugar months before hand. Let's just say Mom was a little peeved that she had been cooking with sugar instead of salt for over six months...

I was told today by a certain person, who shall not be name to save her from hate mail, that she hated the brewers. I almost cried...that would put a damper on the summer that I was hoping to involve her in...you have 24 hours to retract your statement.

And for all you doubters out there...give Gagne a chance, he had one bad inning...we won, so that is all that counts. That is his 11th blown save in his career, and the only one of three runs. Look at the positive instead, that Riske and Mota were nasty, and if anything we have solid set up men and back ups for the closer. In all reality, we have like five proven closers in our bullpen...that means if they all pitched everyday, we would only need four quality innings from our starter to give us a solid chance to win every game. Also, in the end, we beat the Cubs in their home opener...that is the best thing ever.

Daily LOL Cat:

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