Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Cheese Tortellini

I don't really have anything to talk vent about today, life is pretty good. I'm bored at work, but I'm over that, and I'm sick of complaining about it. I made a new header for the blog today...I was going to give the cat a talk bubble but it was pretty busy already...the tenative title for the new header is "Cloud Cat Hates Pandas." I think the blog title made out of clouds is pretty sweet, it was kind of difficult to make with good ole' paint, but i think it turned out decent. Let me know what you think of it if you feel like it. They bring happiness to my life, and I'm curious if people find them as enjoyable as I do. I wish there was a way to have them rotate as the header without having to change them manually.

I went down memory lane today and listened to Ben Folds for a little bit. He is still good.

The new Death Cab album is ok.

Someone randomly put a zip-lock bag of peanut butter M&Ms by my desk and they have been a delicious treat all day.

I don't know if that is how you spell Tortellini...

If you pray, send a prayer up for Joba Chamberlain's (Week One MLB Player of the Week) dad, he is in critical condition after collapsing down some stairs, I'm not sure of the details. Joba's dad has suffered from Polio from a young age and has limited use of the left side of his body, but still mangaged to raise Joba and his sister on his own as a single dad.

Daily LOL Cat:

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