Thursday, March 27, 2008

Beef Barley

AHHHHHH....Best Buy sucks. So there are positives and negatives to this story. As you may know, my xbox had broken, i filed a replacement claim with best buy, they sent me a gift was blank. So they lady in the store, who was extremely nice and helpful, said they will reissue a card to you in the next seven to ten business days. la-di-frickin da, so I wait seven business days, and I don't hear anything from Best this morning I decided to call the replacement plan help line. I explain to Irene what has happened and she says, "Have you tried using the card again?" which I respond, "um no, it is empty, that would be pointless." Then she hits me with this gem, "I agree Mr. Bergemann (pronounced barge-men), pointless indeed...well our records show that we replaced the original funds on the card last week, so you should be able to use it once again." surprised, I respond, "Sweet, but was anyone going to tell me about this?" Irene: "You will most likely receive a letter in the next three to four weeks informing you of the re-issued funds." See pictured face. Don't get me wrong, I am elated to have my money back, but that three to four weeks jazz Irene was laying down was a lot different than the seven to ten business day song the best buy manager was singing. Lets look at the information Best Buy has on me, and the cost to communicate with me in those manners:

  1. email - fast...friendly...flippin' easy...and free....

  2. phone - fast...most likely awkward initial ten seconds...probably not free

  3. snail mail - least 41 or more cents....

Although, I shouldn't complain because I have my xbox and I am happy. This makes me think of a classic moment from Philip DeFranco talking about customer service...check it out below.

That isn't the video I was looking for, there was one where he was talking about xbox live customer support, it was appears that it has disappeared off you tube.

I got nothing...

Daily LOL Cat:

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