Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Turkey and Wild Rice

Um...I don't know how you start a blog. But I'm currently bored at work, and have been for at least the last week. There seems to be no respite in sight, or at least until next week when I get to do some monotonous testing (it will be glorious) might involve electricity, heat, and possible fire...three things that would cause them, if they knew my past, to rethink being so eager to have me do this test. Although I seem to be the only person around here that actually enjoys monotonous work. Our building is being redone (mainly the directors office's are getting upgraded), and when I walk around I am actually envious of the workers that get to paint walls, install lighting fixtures and wire ethernet plugs. I would love to do that. Everyone else just seems to sit at their desks like lemmings doing whatever people with things to do actually do...I wouldn't know.

I have decided that this blog will consist of a couple things. First, random stories of what I experience through out the day that needs to be saved for historical reference. Second, what soup is being served that day, since that is possibly the most exciting thing I get to experience at work. Third, it will serve as a training log for me as I attempt a triathlon, or as my dad would say a "try"althon. Fourth, a daily lol cat picture, because I find them hilarious. Fifth, any exciting or interesting things I may run across while surfing the internet. Maybe I'll spice it up with a word of the day or something weird, I haven't decided. Lastly, it will serve the purpose of letting people know how awesome my life is in Appleton...this is going to be one boring ride.

Best Buy's latest and greatest

SO my 360 died about two weeks ago....see picture.

Thankfully, I had purchased a replacement plan with best buy when I originally bought it. This saved me the trouble of having to send it to Microsoft which would take 3-4 weeks. So I call the number provided with the replacement plan...dude takes all my info, tells me I'll receive an email in 24 hrs with a shipping label. "cool," i thought, "i'll be out an xbox for a week at best..."

48 hrs pass, I have no email in my possession. Finally, I go onto the best buy website and check my replacement profile...the dude spelled michael as "micheal" in my email address...i was irritated but not upset. called got everything straightened out...sent the thing in later that day. About a week goes by and i haven't heard anything from best buy....nothing. So being eager to get a new xbox, i call to query on the process. The lady says...we received your package about 4 days ago, but the gift card hasn't been sent out yet....4 days to send a gift card....seriously. EVENTUALLY i get the gift card on Monday after work...I am so pumped to get my xbox and play on my new hdtv freshly out of the box the day before. I go to best buy, grab an xbox, and a Ethernet hub, mildly and awkwardly jog to the check out...hand over my gift card with 419 dollars on doesn't work.... .... .... what.... .... manager comes over (she was really nice, without her i would have murdered someone) and tells me, "this is blank..." "ah...what!? no way, i just got that like twenty minutes ago..." SO we go and call the people...after about thirty minutes of talking...they come to this conclusion...we will look into it and get back to you in the next 7 to 10 business days.....seriously... with the 4 days it will most likely take to actually ship the new gift card, I'm looking at 14 business days, that is almost 3 weeks....pure awesome. being the money bags that i am, i just threw down my own money for the stuff, and will return in the billion weeks it takes to get the new gift card and return the stuff, and just repurchase it with the gift card. i would just really like to be done with this was pretty painless, but it is just annoying to have it unfinished....

in other news... playing video games in high definition is amazing....pretty much doing anything in high definition is amazing.

Swim: 1000 m (x2 250 free- 2 min rest) [A.M.]
Bike: 45 min [P.M]
Run: ---

Daily LOL Cat:

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