"At home drawing pictures of mountain tops with him on top, lemon yellow sun, arms raised in a V, dead lay in pools of maroon below....King Jeremy the Wicked ruled his world"
Why didn't anyone inform me before that Pearl Jam is awesome....I'm blaming my brother for this one.
If I had to make a new gamertag I would definitely make King Mike the Wicked...I think that screams, "I will pwn you" much more than P Blue Ribbon does...that gives off more of a, "It is amazing that I'm killing you because I'm most likely drunk..." kind of message.
For any of you with your head buried in the ground, the regular season of baseball started yesterday, in Japan. It has been a treat to be able to wake up at five or six am and find beautiful professional baseball being played in HD. Granted I made the mistake of not putting Mark Ellis (Oakland) in at second base for my fantasy team, costing me a nice little line of 3 AB 1 H 1 R 1HR...it was still nice to see baseball. Unfortunately Jon Lester (Boston) got shelled for four runs today in four innings with the sox losing to split the two game Japan series. Once again the Boston Globe looks foolish of after they started pre-ordering their new recount of the red sox 2008 season entitled "162-0".... those writers need to get over themselves.
In the category of "Things I'm Looking Forward To," I will be attending a pre-season exhibition baseball game of the Brewers vs. Kansas City on Saturday afternoon. Not only do we get to experience baseball once again inside the basilica of Milwaukee baseball that is Miller Park, but we will also get to enjoy said baseball game for the low price of ten dollars, sitting in the first deck about seven rows from being able to reach out and touch Billy Hall or Alex Gordon, depending on who is on the field. Although I must say it is going to be slightly awkward to being going to a Brewers game when it is possibly cold out. This is the only real problem I have with global warming. The later and later spring and summer show up, the worse for baseball, because eventually, they are going to have to move the start of the season back a couple of weeks. This would ultimately ruin the phrase, "October classic," or Derek Jeter would seem less important with the title of "Mr. October," when the post-season actually would occur in November...Honestly, I can't really wait two more weeks or anything like that for the baseball to start. Additionally, the longer we have to wait for pro baseball to start, the later into the spring/summer we have to wait to start Saturday morning baseball. I have no problem with global warming on a whole...i don't care, it would be actually nice to have a birthday on a 70 degree day in December eventually, but just leave baseball alone.
Baseball as a whole is a far greater entity to the happiness of millions of Americans, than sunshine. Scientists have made the mistake of associating the common depression of people during the winter months to the lack of sunshine, when in all reality it is mer

For the record, that brings the list of "Things That Are America," to 1) Brett Favre 2) Baseball
Daily LOL Cat:

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