Tuesday, May 13, 2008
30 rock gave me this one...(the first one)
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Let me explain...

Thursday, April 24, 2008
Question of the Day....?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Wisconsin Cheddar and Broccoli
Back to my new chair. A guy I know here, named Greg, has this sweet red chair with a full back that I had never seen before. I sat in it once while he was gone, and it was heaven. The moment I sat in it, I knew what love was. Well, I would consider Greg a friendly co-worker, so I would never steal his chair; however, anyone else that has a beautiful red chair, will most likely lose it. As I was walking to my old lab near my office (its a lab, I call it an office, it has two doors, and four other occupants, but screw them, 2329 is my office bitch) and I passed by this row of cubicles that my supervisor, Tales, as I call him, used to sit; I noticed a glimmer of red. I walk by these cubicles every once and awhile, and this last cubicle is never occupied. The guy that lives there only comes in once a week to enter his time, but otherwise he is at one of the secret experimental facilities, yes they are secret, yes they do not have any markings on the buildings to designated them as part of the company, besides the nice lady at the front desk...who happens to be a trained assassin. Diapers are a serious business people. This information should confirm Lauren's theory that I am not a intern, but yet a secret agent...its true....anyways, so I stealthily rolled my loud as bulky chair over to this dudes cube, and POOF with a flash of smoke and light, I swapped chairs with him, and then rolled on back to my desk. Tales came over to say "what's up," and I informed him of my gallivanting, to which responded with unwavering consistency, "Niiiicccceeee, that's what we call a 'midnight acquisition'" Don't tell my love sac, but this chair is amazing.
get out of my face. six days til grand theft auto...get ready.
Daily LOL Cat:

Thursday, April 17, 2008
I must retract my previous sentiments...
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Turkey and Wild Rice

Speaking of things I love, I officially reserved a copy of Grand Theft Auto IV, so I can now pick it up at 12:00 am on April 29th, paid in full...it should be expected that I will take a sick day on the 29th...
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Cheese Tortellini
I went down memory lane today and listened to Ben Folds for a little bit. He is still good.
The new Death Cab album is ok.
Someone randomly put a zip-lock bag of peanut butter M&Ms by my desk and they have been a delicious treat all day.
I don't know if that is how you spell Tortellini...
If you pray, send a prayer up for Joba Chamberlain's (Week One MLB Player of the Week) dad, he is in critical condition after collapsing down some stairs, I'm not sure of the details. Joba's dad has suffered from Polio from a young age and has limited use of the left side of his body, but still mangaged to raise Joba and his sister on his own as a single dad.
Daily LOL Cat:

Monday, April 14, 2008
Baked French Onion

Friday, April 11, 2008
MLB Player of the Week: Week 3

Thursday, April 10, 2008
Chicken Noodle
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Tortilla Soup

Daily LOL Cat:
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Baked Potato
My parents are coming up to AppleTown on Friday to see where I live and work, fun stuff like that. Actually, Mom wants to see all that stuff, Dad just wants to see my TV so he can complain about how much money I spent or something. I have spent at least an hour trying to find a restaurant here in AppleTown that would suit my parents taste buds. Not only is this difficult because it is my parents, but because the only places I have been to eat up here is Subway and Chinese Buffet. I think I have settled on Flanagan's Wine Review...looks ok. I got nothing else today, I'm thinking of ideas for a new banner, so my creative juices are minimized.
Daily LOL Cat:
Breaking News: SUDS!
You may ask what I did to solve this problem. Well my oil-spill instincts kicked into gear and I grabbed an entire roll of paper towel, my two clean bath towels and made an absorbent barrier sectioning off the spill area. If there was a drowning duck in soap suds, I would have saved it too. Once the spill was under control, I went to work, because I needed to go and take a picture for all the co-ops at eight am, and then had to go buy a bucket, a mop, and a new towel. I eventually returned to my apartment to finish the job after purchasing the necessary items to find that I had forgotten to actually turn off the dishwasher, so there was just more soap suds in the kitchen. Once again, Me = moron.
The spill was eventually completely cleaned up, including moving the stove and cleaning under it, and moving the fridge and cleaning under it as well. Maybe this spill was the best thing that had happened so far because I needed to buy a mop for this floor, and it was getting pretty dirty. Now it smells clean and looks fantastic.
I had a fun moment in Wal-mart when the elderly man greeting me at the door said, "Thank you, Have a nice day sir," when I was the only person walking into the building. I got a chuckle out of the mis-phrased welcome, but I almost died laughing to myself when as I was walking out through the same door, the man said, "Hello, how are you today, sir?" I can't make this stuff up.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Bean and Ham

- The sky walk slopes down leading away from WRE, so I fear that her large weight caused her to gain an overwhelming amount of speed to which she lost control of herself and decided to use the unsuspecting co-op as her emergency brakes
- Her co-worker in the cube next to her played a belated April fools day joke on her and told her that the cafeteria was about to run out of sour cream, cheese, butter, and bacon for today's baked potato buffet, to which she lumbered to the cafeteria with a large amount of momentum
- She is British, and thought she was on the right side
- Her new blouse was only stain proof for drinks, not soup, hence why she decided to point out that I almost spilled soup on her
- She is just an angry woman
Beyond my "run in" with this woman, my day has be fantastic. I have been working all morning, and been very busy. It was lunch time before I knew it, and that was awesome.
In other news: sports writers are douche bags, and still only talk about how awesome the cubs are, and give the brewers no respect.
I had something else to talk about, but my run in during lunch has me flustered.
Daily LOL Cat:
List of things I forgot to do even though I promised I'd do them:
Sorry Cassie, I completely forgot. I will make it up to you.
Although I think none of us should be surprised that I dropped the ball on this one, I'm not exactly the definition of reliable....although, you ditched me for dinner, not to point fingers, just saying...maybe your fault...I don't know
In other news: It appears that my use of the phrase MLB player of the week has caused my blog to be the second site shown on Google when that phrase is used...I bet six people that showed up last night were pretty disappointed. To increase their disappointment, I will continue blogging and use as many commonly searched phrases as possible; for example, "free money," "Jessica Alba nude," "why Illinois should be quarantined from the rest of the USA," "Brett Favre," and last but not least, "Duct tape." We'll see what happens after that.
Friday, April 4, 2008
MLB Player of the Week: Week 2

Cueto Impressive in Debut
Daily LOL Cat[Bunny]:

Um...Half Day?
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Cream of Tomato
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Five Mushroom

Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Beef Noodle

Monday, March 31, 2008
Holy S*** White Chicken Chili

Friday, March 28, 2008
Bangor Clam Chowder

MLB Player of the Week: Week 1

Thursday, March 27, 2008
Beef Barley

- email - fast...friendly...flippin' easy...and free....
- phone - fast...most likely awkward initial ten seconds...probably not free
- snail mail - slow...annoying...old-school...at least 41 or more cents....
Although, I shouldn't complain because I have my xbox and I am happy. This makes me think of a classic moment from Philip DeFranco talking about customer service...check it out below.
That isn't the video I was looking for, there was one where he was talking about xbox live customer support, it was hilarious...it appears that it has disappeared off you tube.
I got nothing...
Daily LOL Cat:
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Chicken Dumpling

Why didn't anyone inform me before that Pearl Jam is awesome....I'm blaming my brother for this one.
Baseball as a whole is a far greater entity to the happiness of millions of Americans, than sunshine. Scientists have made the mistake of associating the common depression of people during the winter months to the lack of sunshine, when in all reality it is mer

Daily LOL Cat: