Tuesday, May 13, 2008

30 rock gave me this one...(the first one)

this one i found later...its title - "The most pathetic baby panda ever" i find that hilarious for some reason.

watch this one first:


japan + soccer = ?

Someone needs to update Japan on the rules of soccer....


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Let me explain...

...why I'm better than you: easy hair maintenance...you may laugh but all y'all are jealous of my ability to roll out of bed and look fantastic no matter the conditions.

I haven't felt like blogging in a long time because I think I was starting to think it was actually a serious thing, except for the large presence of cats, pandas, and bunnies...talking in exotic locales...that aside, I got sick of it. I am no journalist...i wouldn't even consider myself a blogger, since according to Glenn Beck or Glenn Beck, the biggest effing douche in the world, [videogame] bloggers are losers. I just want to write some stuff down and express my emotions about happenings. So this may be updated semi-regularly, depending on what is happening in my life.

Currently, I have been playing a lot of Grand Theft Auto IV, and I must be immune to all the subversive influences of this media because since I have played this abomination of morality and class I have not felt one urge to solicit a prostitute, murder a drug dealer, pummel elderly people, or hail a cab and then proceed to kick the cab driver in the head for use of his vehicle...in the real world. While I haven't gone out of my way in the game to find a prostitute, I have definitely killed drug dealers, beat up unsuspecting individuals on the street, and definitely kicked cab drivers...in the game world. See that difference that I pointed out...real world, game world....I have no problem with someone no agreeing with violent video games, but it is ludicrous for someone to try and convince me that it is bad for me. Take Glenn Beck for example, I could make just as many unjustified and unfounded claims about his use of religion as he can about video games. If someone came out and said, "I have played this game to see what all the hysteria is about, and I do not agree with its themes, and I do not believe that they are safe for children." Awesome, I would high five that person. Because stuff like this shouldn't be in the hands of little kids, I agree. I played these games when I was younger because my parents were oblivious to what was actually happening, but they were no where near as detailed as these games. The language alone is a little course for a college students ears. That aside, people like Glenn Beck are getting on this ridiculously high horse about this game, effectively claiming that they are above free speech and that media such as this should be removed no matter its merit. But i'm sure they go up in arms about how their free speech is being infringed upon when the state makes a court house remove the ten commandments from a statue...it is just stupid. Unfortunately it is an argument that you cannot win because the main stream media can spin things any way they want, and will always error on the side of hysteria. I was looking through Glenn Beck's articles on his website and he has an article asking, "What are you doing to prepare for a possible great depression?" Genius Glenn, just scare them into trusting you.

Brewers have lost four straight, I don't want to talk about it...I'm sick of waiting for their bats to pick up.

I found this today, it is part of series, but this one is funny on its own. A British guy makes them, he does game reviews to that are hilarious...
birthday card as a character reference...that is hilarious...by the way, chris works at a museum.
New Bands....check out the videos...