Friday, February 26, 2010

New Digs

My blog has moved to a new home. Full of music, videos, quotes, and some cats. However, less headers. oh well, maybe i'll learn css and then I can do headers again. Sacrifices needed to be made. So go check out the new blog.

Welcome to Neverland

Monday, February 1, 2010

Everything is Borrowed

"Do I listen to pop music because I'm miserable, or am I miserable because I listen to pop music?"

"I can't seem to face up to the facts, I'm tense and nervous, and I can't relax…don't touch me, I'm a real live wire"

"Burn down the disco, hang the blessed DJ, because the music that they constantly play, it says nothing to me about my life"

I've been absorbing a significant amount of music recently. I got sick of listening to audio books and podcasts when I was driving all over the place, so I started utilizing the Genius function on iTunes. That thing can make pretty fantastic playlists. It has become quite apparent that you can only listen to so much of The Smiths and Morrissey before it starts negatively affecting your general disposition. To counter act the melancholy dose of reality that The Smiths represent I have added a little of The Streets, Stiff Little Fingers, and Talking Heads. On top of all that I purchased (it is a rare event for me to want an album enough that I'll buy it if i can't find it elsewhere) the Monsters of Folk album based on a recommendation from a trusted source. Although it would be hard to deny a collaboration of Conor Oberst and M. Ward. Random Update: I just found the five missing rechargeable batteries that I accused my mother of stealing…they were in my desk.

Still haven't heard anything from St. Luke's on the job front. Hoping that comes this week sometime. Children's offered me a part time job, essentially affirming me decision to leave the bar, although now I'm thinking that it might be more beneficial for me to stay working at the bar during the weekends while working at Children's during the week…essentially upping my hours to near full time status. Although I really really want to have my weekends back for once, but if I worked both jobs I could probably move out of the house. Hopefully St. Luke's will clear all this up with a simple phone call. I guess I have no idea what I'm going to do…a lot can change in a week.

I changed the title of the blog again to nothing because the last one was pretentious and cliche…so I went to a picture a bit more representative of my personality.

I'll leave you with one last quote.

"Confront what you are afraid of in the future when all's well."